Sunday, February 26, 2012

School district attorneys cease and desist letter

Unbelievable letter from an attorney that first sent me a letter for challenging the authroty of the school board meeting, see my reply in the next post.(Letter re-written verbatim to post)

January 31, 2012

Dear Mr. Munds,

Today you left a message with my receptionist that you were goiing to sue me if I didn't talk to you on the telephone. This is probably the 20th harasing phone call you have made to my office. You have been rude, threatening and inappopriate with my staff.

I am writing this letter to demand that you cease and desist contacting my law firm or me from this point forward. I do not represent you. I represented, for a limited purpose, the _____School district. I have not been authorized to charge my client for speaking with you and consider my initial communication to be the first and last communication with you.

Idaho law prohibits the use of a telephone to threaten or harass. The Federal Communcaition's Act also prohibits telephone harassment. If I receive one more call from you, I will refer the matter to federal and state law enforcement officials for prosecution. If you personally appear at my office, I will request you be cited for tresspass.

Very Truly Yours,
School district attorney

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