Friday, March 1, 2013

Regarding HB 219

State affairs committee Hearing for SB 219

Toms statement

Dear my fellow Idahoans,

I would like to personally thank all of my friends, church members, business associates and acquaintances and radio listeners for your support. I find myself writing this letter in utter humiliation and find the need to apologize to my friends and those in the legislature whose relationships I have taken time to cultivate and to cherish, as well as to be properly understood in case what I say just doesn’t come out right, which at times, I think you can agree happens to the best of us at the worst possible times.

As someone who is passionate about our state, country, our history and understands the urgency and sign of the times, and the necessity to stand and remain vigilant fighting against the usurpation of our rights by an ever encroaching federal government and , at times, even local governments because of many decisions that are being made, I have become increasingly fearful of the direction were headed and find myself wondering just which side our government is on, whether it is for the people or against them. The delivery of my statement today was clarification of this fact.

Due to my clear understanding of the assaults people are facing, I have become much more sensitive to the issues and therefore much more protective of the laws that are being written as well as skeptical of those in committee charged with writing such bills. Due to time constraints and the inability to spend every day at the statehouse, getting to know everyone, it is difficult for the average person to know who supports bigger government, and who stands for the preservation of freedom for our future generations and so the natural tendency is to treat all of these people, with the exception of those we know as opposition, or at the very least, be extremely skeptical of who they are and their intentions, even when they may in fact, at times, all be in complete support of liberty and freedom, and therein lays the misunderstanding.

Many of you are my friends and many just know me as a voice on the radio, some just know me as someone that they are not sure they want to know because of the principles of which I speak or the way I speak about them so this letter is an attempt to clear up any misunderstanding.

It seems that over the past few years I have been much more active than before and therefore have become more known than in any other time in my history and this is uncharted territory for me, leaving me vulnerable to tremendous scrutiny. The last few years, I have been told through email, postcards and letters that I have a fantastic message that resonates with people and how I am an advocate for the silent majority however, due to the many comments I have received today by my statement to the committee regarding SB 219, I feel I have failed you in that my message was not delivered the way it should have been and that the passion, which I have been told is appreciated, was, this time, seemingly uncontrolled and hurt the cause more than it benefitted it.

My intentions, as many of you know was never meant to hurt a person or cause but to let the people know, if are unaware of current events, that as the people, we cannot stand for government abuse but also to let our legislature know that they have our full support if they do what they are bound by their oath to do. I failed to make this clear.

In retrospect, I should have had a prepared statement and I should have made it clear that the concerns I had were with those that did not understand their constitutional limitations and to avoid addressing the entire committee presuming I was there to attack them, which really was not the case. My purpose was to attempt to educate those legislators, that don’t understand about our history, our constitution and the dangers from misinterpreting the original intent expanding beyond the checks and balances of the three branches of government and to expose the encroachment of the judiciary as it states that every right is determined by them and every rights that is stripped from the states and the people are somehow constitutional when nothing could be further from the truth.

The people that are concerned about the direction of this country have a right to be. Those, like myself, that are passionate about what we have learned and the urgency in educating others has now become a primary focus to save what is left of our republic and all we want to know is that our elected officials understand this and will support and defend the people against injustices providing they can recognize them which many of us are fearful that some or many cannot.

Many of the people that attend these hearings have a firm understanding of what is happening which is why they are there. These same people also feel that over the last few years it is apparent that our elected officials to varying degrees are no longer listening to the people creating more passion, frustration, fear and concern as well as the need to stand in support of someone, perhaps a replacement of sorts, that will listen and fight for what rightfully belongs to the people. I have no self-serving agenda. My only desire is to restore this country to what was intended with equal justice under the law and a firm understanding of the principles of freedom through self-government.

My position, that seems to have been created over time, again, is one to stand for those that are afraid, those that cannot speak publically or those that are non-confrontational, those that fear what they see and are not sure what to do about it. My position, as my brother’s keeper is to stand and defend my brothers and sisters against encroachments to and restore liberty and freedom back to the people. As a father of four sons, a beautiful wife and two grandchildren, it is not only my right but my duty to stand in an effort to guarantee and preserve the unalienable rights for myself, and my family as well as my fellow Idahoans but I realize now that if I am to represent anyone in any capacity, I must learn to craft my message so that it is not misunderstood.

As we continue through this sensitive time in this country, with all of the issues that abound, I ask you to please accept my most humble apologies. If I can ever be of service to anyone, please do not hesitate to let me know.

I was alerted to an old saying, “It isn’t what you say, it’s how you say it.” I should learn from the wisdom of these words.

True to my belief in full transparency, for inquiring minds, the video of this hearing is available on my website at Your comments and criticisms are always welcome even when I stumble.


Thomas A. Munds

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