Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Kevin Miller and KIDO radio are a blessing to Idaho!

Dear Kevin and KIDO,
You have graciously allowed me to continue to be a daily caller on the morning show for over a year now and i am more thankful than you know.

What began as a means of therapy for myself to try to awaken others to the dire circumstances we face in this country has expanded into something i had never dreamed.

Over time your listeners have began contacting me. Many that just comment and thank us for what we say and do, to know that others agree and to now calling upon me either on the phone, email, my website or twitter asking me to help them with something because they have no where to turn.

These calls are a tremendous blessing to me because i see that people see my intentions and my desire to help but also apparently are a blessing to those that contact me to know someone cares enough for them to listen and to take action where i can.

My post here is to say thank you and to show you the benefits of your good work and trust in me in allowing us to reach out to our community in such a unique way. It is through you that i hope that we may continue to effect real positive change in our community to bring people a ray of hope when things seem so lost!

To bring my point home, here is an email i received today that began from one of your listeners contacting me!

Thank you Kevin and thank you KIDO radio! May we renew a spirit if love, hope, truth and trust back into our communities!

Tom munds

Here is the email:

Thank you, Thank you, Thank YOU!!! so much for having my boys back!! You are a scholar and a gentleman!
I am so very grateful to you and your friends for help! God is so good! I have renewed faith and I am so happy for your help Tom!!

Heres another!

Hello Tom,

I listen to you quite often on KIDO. You, Tony and Kevin Miller are leading this fight for our rights by getting the TRUTH out for the public to hear. If only the public would take more action!

I am sick and tired of spineless leaders who fall for everything because they will stand for nothing. I'm disgusted with RINOs. And I can just feel the liberal cancer spreading over this country and am so frustrated that the American people won't provide the "cure" with their voice and their vote.

There's my rant for the morning......
Take care and thanks for what you do!

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