Friday, February 18, 2011

VIDEO: Stop the Tax Increase Rally and more...

Thank you for all who attended. For those who did not, this rally has been uploaded in five parts, please share with all who may be interested.

For your information, It is my intention to post all Idaho events at the link below if I can attend them regardless if I am allowed to speak or not, just to help get the word out. For friends and family that know me and are interested, I am in part 2.

I am still in the process of getting the Nullification House affairs committee video uploaded but it will need to be broken down into about 23 parts so it may take time, I was hoping other states that are looking at Idaho may find it useful. I am also still trying to get Phil Harts first hearing.

VIDEO: Stop the Tax increases Rally, Boise, Idaho 2-17-2011

A reminder to all, my good friend “Coach” Dave Daubenmire will be here speaking at the US patriot club at the Foothills Christian church, on State street in Boise, Friday , February 25th. For questions please contact or contact me here. His website is

If you have comments, they are always welcome.And may God bless America if he still will,

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