Friday, May 3, 2013

A warning from the Lord

“This is the way of escape that I have provided for My children”(May 2, 2013)

In my time with the Lord this morning, the Lord said these words: Son, tell My people to hear Me this day. Many run to and fro and do not sit at My feet.

Oh, My people, do you not understand that it was Mary who chose what I preferred rather than Martha. Yes, there is a time and season for every good work under the sun. But hear Me, My children, when I say come unto Me this day.

Many of you do not know what is at your doorstep. And only those hidden in Me shall be protected. Oh, My little ones, it is not My desire that any of you should perish. But hear Me well when I say that many shall lose their lives in the short days ahead when disaster strikes. I do not want My children walking in fear when this thing happens. Therefore, I say come unto Me, My little ones and sit at My feet. For those that dwell in the secret place shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

My children, oh My children. You are entering the days that I shall fulfill every jot and tittle of My word. You shall see a thousand fall at your side and ten thousand at your right, but it will not come nigh thee if you would abide under My shadow. And for you to abide under My shadow, you MUST be obedient unto Me and sit at My feet and listen to My still small voice. For I shall protect you in the days ahead, provided that you obey what I say unto you.

Do not think that you can do your own thing and have My protection upon you simply because you call yourself by My name. For I tell you now, the days ahead shall be the most dangerous days any of you have ever lived in. Destruction, death, pestilence and calamity shall be everywhere. Do not think that you can hide yourself from those things without My protection upon you. For your sins shall surely find you out in these last days. And ONLY those abiding in Me through their obedience to Me shall have My protection upon them.

Oh, My little ones. Have I not warned you of these last days? Many shall be running to and fro and men’s hearts will fail them for fear of what they see coming upon the world. But for those abiding in the secret place of the Most High, they shall not be harmed by what is coming. This is the way of escape that I have provided for My children in these last days. NOT the escape from tribulation through a rapture. And for those that have believed this lie and have not prepared your hearts before me to go through the great tribulation, I say woe unto you. For you do not know what is coming for those that believe in My word. It shall not be a pleasant thing for those not abiding under My shadow in the secret place. For the authorities shall take many of you, even by force. And many of those that call themselves by My name shall turn from Me and deny Me.

Think not that all this is too hard a thing to bear. For I have warned you all in My word. For if they persecuted Me, My little ones, they shall persecute you. And because of My word that shall be released in power throughout the earth in these end-times, persecution shall be great.

Oh, My little ones, do not fear. For this life cannot even compare to what I have stored up for those that are faithful to Me to the end. But for those that think that they shall be raptured out of the earth and not face the great tribulation, I say come unto Me now and pray to be found worthy to escape the things to come. For many of you that have believed the lie and have not prepared yourselves shall find it very difficult to continue in calling yourselves by My name.

And for those that have prepared your hearts to go through My tribulation upon the earth, I say to you, prepare, My little ones. I do not say prepare for your doom as those not prepared. But I say prepare to be tested in all ways. But know this. The trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it be tried by fire, will be found unto praise and honor and glory at My appearing. And as you go through My refining fires, you shall find it easier to follow Me in all truth. Whereas, those in darkness will find it too difficult. For it shall be like the two opposing forces of magnets. The light and the darkness shall repel against one another. And those walking in My light shall find the darkness more and more repulsive as the days grow darker.

But for those that have not prepared themselves for this day, they shall find it more and more difficult to cross over to My kingdom of light as the days grow darker. For the darkness in people shall repel against the light. But not all hope is lost for those who do desire to cross over to My light. For I shall have mercy on any that will desire My light in the days ahead. And My light shall shine bright in those that are Mine for all the world to see. And any that desire My light shall be given mercy to cross over from the kingdom of darkness. But as I warned, it shall become more and more difficult as the days grow darker. For the light and darkness shall repel against one another in intensity, thus creating My true kingdom of light amidst a world of darkness and decay.

Oh, My little ones. Hear Me when I say to you all to come unto Me now and separate yourselves from the things of this world. For the enemy of your soul is doing all he can through the workings of man to fill My children with the things of this world. So that when this great separation begins, many of My children will be found on the side of darkness. And I tell you now, many of My children are already on the side of darkness and know it not. Therefore, I say come out from among all that is unclean and separate yourselves unto Me. Sit at My feet and allow Me to wash you through My word to you, My little ones. For you do not understand the gravity of the gross darkness that is coming. And this gross darkness shall fill all hearts and minds that are already darkened. And many that thought themselves to be My chosen ones, shall find themselves on the side of darkness.

Do not take My words lightly this day, My children. For none of you have faced this kind of darkness before. Therefore, once again, I cry unto you all to come unto Me and sit in my presence and do it often. Do not think that you already stand in My light. For have I not declared in My word, he who thinks he stands, let him take heed lest he fall.

I love you all, My dear ones, and do not desire that any of you perish. Therefore, it would be wise for all of you to heed these words of Mine this day.

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