Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Letter to congressman Labrador

Congressman Labrador,

I would like to take a moment to thank you for standing up for the good people of Idaho and through representing Idaho, also representing others when their representatives will not stand.

I received your press release “executive orders” and appreciate your communication with your constituency however I have a few comments and questions with regards to your statements.

Where did the founders give the executive branch the authority to enforce laws to protect the right to bear arms? What this expressly stated or implied?
When you said “I will review these proposals to ensure that the President's actions and proposals do not violate our constitutionally protected right to bear arms. I will also thoughtfully consider whether the laws we currently have on the books can be better enforced to safeguard our lives and our liberty.”

I must ask where the executive branch may propose bills, actions or executive orders that constitutionally apply to the restriction of the rights of the people, when with just basic knowledge the Bill of Rights was not a document left for any government branch to interpret, it was a Declaration between the anti-federalists and the federalists that created the constitution to correct any misunderstanding and alleviate any ambiguity clarifying that OUR rights were from our Creator, were unalienable, not to be interpreted by any court or government (because it was contradictory to its purpose) and were to remain inviolate! Rights are from God not government and government has no authority to take a right and turn it into a privilege, especially then charging for it!

When you stated that you will “consider” laws on the books, looking through your constitutional and historical knowledge as a supporter of the second amendment, how much farther do you have to look than the second amendment of the Bill of Rights? How much farther do you have to look than the created purpose of government, to protect the rights of the people, not to restrict them which every provision of the constitution was created to support?

With your constitutional knowledge, where does the executive branch get the constitutional authority to create edicts that somehow apply them to the people as law like subjects when governments capacity are servants of the people?

If the executive branch has this authority, please state it and explain how this executive authority is is any different than one tyrant king, or in our case, nine in a court of black robes? Also ask yourself how is this mindset is consistent with the preservation of a free people?

If the Supreme court “Rules” on a topic, where is it said that it then becomes law? Where does it say that the Supreme Court can “rule?” Truth is the Supreme Court has been hijacked and legislates law from the bench, not no longer protecting the rights of the people but now to make law and to tell the people what their rights are!

How much farther than this do we have to go to know this is true when they have ”ruled” its ok to kill our unborn when it clearly violates the first provision of why our founding documents where established, to protect life and to protect the innocent? How much farther do we have to go when the Supreme Court INTERPRETS the BILL of RIGHTS that was not left to be interpreted? How far do we have to go when they rule that warrantless searches and drones are not a violation of our 4th amendment, I can go on and on…..

Congressman, I have no doubt in my mind you understand these concepts. This email to you is to communicate with you the fact that I believe you are the only one capable of standing on the true principles of freedom in our congress today and if you do not, knowing what you know, you not only are a disservice to your state you’re your country but enslaving us and our posterity.

The other reason I am emailing you is to get specific answers to my questions so that I may apply the answers here at a local level where the people are being criminalized by officers and government entities and a variety of political subdivisions that not only do not understand their oath or the constitution that they swore the oath to or their limitations as a government entity. It is answers to the questions I seek in response to this email, not just a “thank you” form letter with no substance, with all due respect.

The people in Idaho are angry Sir. I have done my part to contact 44 county sheriffs, local law enforcement, city mayors, councils and legislators attempting to ask my government just what the hell form of government we have that allows itself to take tax dollars and not only squander them but ignore us while they do it, then when calling with a concern they deny the issues.

My law enforcement looks at me like I am a criminal, my legislators tell me “to keep doing what I am doing”. As a free man, with partial support of two legislators, I am confident stating not only am I in fear for my life, but in fear of being criminalized for standing on what I know belongs to me and the good people of Idaho, our God given, Constitutionally protected Rights that no man can take away!

It is obvious, to me, that our president desires to create civil war on its citizens, which is part of the Alinsky model, to transfer from one form of government to another. Understanding this, I am doing everything in my power to try to prevent this from happening in Idaho but due to the lack of proper constitutional knowledge of both the citizens and in our government entities and representatives, the task appears almost impossible. Please help me any way you can.

Please forgive my anger, my frustration, and aggressive tone, but I feel I have that Right as my state and country and my fellow Idahoans and Americans are going to hell in a handbag as our representatives are playing pocket pool or hands of poker gambling with our future that looks worse every day!

If I may ever be of service, as insignificant as I am, please know I am available.

If there were ever a cry for help sir, this is it!


Tom Munds

PO box 851

Middleton, Idaho 83644


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January 20, 2013

Website | About Raúl | Serving You | News | Issues | Resources | Contact Me | District

From Raul:

Dear friends,

This week the President announced a series of executive actions that he would take regarding firearms laws at a theatrical press conference at which the President surrounded himself with children. Like many of you, I found the Presidents use of children to drive his agenda shameful. However, I will carefully review the President's executive actions and his legislative proposals.

Our Founding Fathers believed the right to bear arms was essential to the cause of freedom. Those same Founders also gave the executive branch the authority to enforce the laws protecting this right and our security-and this is the authority the President was asserting when he signed his executive actions.

I will review these proposals to ensure that the President's actions and proposals do not violate our constitutionally protected right to bear arms. I will also thoughtfully consider whether the laws we currently have on the books can be better enforced to safeguard our lives and our liberty.

I have always defended the Second Amendment and will continue to do so with my heart and soul. I look forward to having a thoughtful, honest and straightforward discussion about these issues in the Judiciary Committee over the next few months.

The gun control press conference capped off a busy period in Washington, D.C. The House recently elected a Speaker and organized for the 113th Session of Congress. Among the items of business for the House and for the Judiciary Committee will be immigration reform. I have worked hard to have what Politico describes as "a leading GOP voice on immigration changes," and want you to know that I want changes to our immigration laws that reflect our conservative values and heritage. That means no amnesty and no special pathway to citizenship. We must find a solution that is fair to immigrants who have done things the legal way, fair to those who are struggling to achieve their dreams but are caught within our broken immigration system and, most importantly, fair to our American citizens who demand fidelity to the law. I look forward to continuing the discussion with you as immigration bills are introduced and debated in Congress.

Finally, I wanted to share with you an article that explains my involvement in the organization of the 113th Congress and my goals and philosophy moving forward over the next two years.

Washington, D.C.
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Coeur d'Alene
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