Sunday, December 19, 2010


I haven't been on for awhile because I found out facebook had the ability to post. I realize I don't have many readers, if any at all, but thought what I had to say was important enough to share with everyone and the more places people could find it, the better chance I had to attract readers.

At one point this blog was connected to my facebook page and whatever I wrote here appeared there as well, I am just seeing if it still does.

For those who can't find my page it isnt dificult, it seems the right to privacy is destroyed when posting and I found out too late, my fault, meanwhile it seems I can be found everywhere.

Check out this video, My friend Coach at an Ohio teaparty:

or perhaps this one, Coach's youtube channel!

Men like these are like the one's who brought Europe out of the dark ages!! We need this here in America and soon!!

Who will rise up? Yes I will!!

Merry Christmas!

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