Friday, May 7, 2010

We are at WAR!

I haven't been here for awhile, I have decided to jum,p into the political arena, for those who do not know and have been too busy to remember to blog with everything that's going on.

I received a great article by a friend and felt it needed to be posted because I agree with it enough to have written it myself even if I don't have the writing talent that he possesses.

Kudos Bill!

America is involved in the second civil war in our nations history. No shots have
been fired, but the rhetoric is getting stronger and Maximus the Liar is doing all
he can to provoke violent clashes between his brain damaged communist minions
and those Americans left who still love the country and believe in the values of
the Constitution, you know, little things like our God given inalienable rights to
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, our right to not have our speech or our
ability to assemble infringed upon, things like that. Americans are pushing back,
in small tribal bands, scattered throughout the land, but have not found a
cohesive strategy to defeat the evil that is within. We must prepare, we must
strengthen ourselves and we must win. The battles are daily and the war rages
on. Come with me if you want to be free.

It is time for conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists, and lovers of America
to come together and defeat the communist threat that is driving America into
the abyss. Put down your Mount Blanc pens, take off your ties, wrap them
around your heads and get ready to rumble. As an American it is in your primal
nature to rise to victory. As a human, it is in your DNA to want to lop off the head
(figuratively or literally) of your opponent and savor the moment as it tumbles
into the pond with a plop. Okay, maybe that is just my vision, maybe yours
involves you on horseback, impaling hordes of whining liberals with your flaming
spear, but that sounds like my vision again. Anyway, you have some vision of
victory and what it should look like for you and if you don’t you better get one
soon, before you find yourself in some liberal, Birkenstock wearing, communist
manifesto reading, Marxist’s vision and are on the wrong side of “plop”. Those of
you with Bic pens, no pens or collarless shirts, don’t worry, we need you and your
vision of victory too.

This is war of the political kind and there is no social
hierarchy, there is only pure aggression, unrelenting hatred, and victory, unless of
course you get dead (figuratively or literally). Either way, you are far less likely to
become “plop” if you find your inner Machiavelli and allow him to rage within
you, venturing forth to scare the crap out of those around you who did not know
you have the warrior spirit. Never mind Tao or Sun Tzu. One was too
philosophical to be a true warrior and the other one spent too much time thinking
of ways to win without engaging the vile, putrid scum that is the enemy. We will
do neither. We will engage the enemy any time, any where, on any street over any
slight, perceived, real, or made up. We are warriors and we are ready to smite thy
enemy back to the tofu counter from whence they came. For thee America, for
thee, we shall create a river of soulless liberals flowing forth to thee, eternally
watering the tree of liberty my country, for thee.

Our mission is vital to the success of freedom in America. Our parents and
grandparents fought the communists and progressives so that we could be free.
We owe those generations to come after us a life of liberty, not a life of servitude
and serfdom. In order to do this, we must fight this war every day. When we
hear a lie, be it in the paper, on the news, or from someone’s lips, we
must/directly confront the lie with the truth. It is no longer acceptable to look
the other way and ignore the lies of the left. But, this is not enough. No. We
must use all of the weapons of war, conventional and guerrilla.

The left has infiltrated the conservative groups, including the GOP. They do this
to gather information and develop strategies to counter what we do. We must do
the same. Slap on some sandals, don’t shave, slip on a hemp shirt and go to an
OfA meeting, become engaged and return to the bunker to plot the demise of
those communist, anti-American fools. Camouflage is good too. Dress like
Barney and show up at an SEIU meeting. Intel folks, it is critical to facilitate that
plopping sound on a consistent basis. Intel leads to counter insurgency. Counter
insurgency leads to victory.

While hanging out with the tofu eating, Birkenstock wearing communists, plant
the seeds of doubt, become the Ministry of Disinformation. Lure your new found
friends into uncomfortable situations, like schedule the next meeting, at a church;
Invite them to your house for a neighborhood meeting and schedule your angry,
gun toting, meat eating friends to come by at the same time. Sit back and watch,
or just lure them into the garage and string them from the rafters, like piƱata’s on
cinco de mayo. Since you are associating with the scum of the earth, have some
fun with it, schedule them to protest at a park where there is a biker rally or a
veterans reunion. Good times.

I love the smell of victory, it smells like tears falling upon my boots from the
soulless minions of Obama as the spirit of communism is exorcised from their
gelatinous minds. Americans, do not shy away from this battle, if you do the
regrets will haunt you for all the rest of eternity. Our obligation as patriot
warriors is too not only defend America from these evil demons but to drive them
back to the fiery depths of hell from which they came. I know some of you will be
offended by this and think we should turn the other cheek. Go ahead, these evil
beings will kick you in that one too. Make your choice, right now, make your
decision, will you stand for America or will you be a slave of the left? There is a
sign at the White House that reads, “Indentured Servants Wanted, Christians

There is an old acronym: A.I.D.A. Attention, do I have it, I believe I do. Interest.
Are you interested? You better be, your freedom is on the line. Decision. Have
you made your decision for Christ? And, Action. It is fight or walk time America.
Will you be a free people, living in America, or will you be serfs in the Peoples
Republic of Amerika? It is a time for action. It is up to you. The fate of a nation
is in your hands. Will you join with me and walk side by side in the fields of
freedom, or will you take the easy way and surrender yourself to the nation state
that B. Hussein Obama is building? I would rather die a free man than live under
the tyranny of an oppressive regime. If I am to leave a legacy, let it be one of
freedom, not one of suffrage.

Bill Turner
Western Regional Director

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