Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Did the Supreme court get it wrong?

Was the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the “Separation of church and state” as the founders intended? Was there, in fact, a separation and is it important?

The first of the Bill of Rights states:

“Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of a religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech…”

Before the pilgrims came to America, the King of England imposed oppressive tyranny on Great Britain with a State controlled church that became increasingly unfavorable with it’s citizens.

Puritan “separatists” fled the Kings rule and boarded the Mayflower in search of the New World, specifically, to further Christianity and their freedom to worship their religion without persecution.

Finally reaching land, they began to build, more came and 13 colonies were established in that each colony had their own religion.

After continual growth, the nation was formed uniting these colonies where the Declaration and Bill of rights was established to guarantee the rights of men that were believed to have been given to them by God. The unification of these states into a nation was not without difficulties, one of which is a great source of contention today, after all what the pilgrims had left was still fresh in their memory.

Evidence of this memory was a letter written on November 7, 1801 to Jefferson by Nehemiah Dodge and the Danbury Baptist church concerned that with the establishment of a nation a national church would also be established.

Thomas Jefferson replies to this letter on January 1, 1802 stating that he had no intention on the creation of a national church and that he would provide “A wall of separation” in that the government would not interfere with the affairs of the church. This letter was the first and only personal letter written by a president used to create such a ruling.

Our historical documentation including quotes provides ample support of this claim.
Congressional records from June through September 1789 make it clear they wanted to follow God’s principles but not allow one denomination to run the nation.

In 1799, the Supreme Court declared:

“By our form of government, the Christian religion is the established religion; and all sects and denominations are placed on the same and equal footing.”

George Washington said:

“If anyone attempted to separate religion and morality from politics they couldn’t be called a Patriot.”

John Dickerson, signer of the Constitution (1732-1808):

“To my creator, I resign myself humbly, confiding in the goodness and His mercy through Jesus Christ for the events of eternity.”

Samuel Adams, signer of the Declaration (1722-1803)

“First of all, I rely upon the merits of Jesus Christ for the pardon of all my sins.”

Gabriel Duvall, U.S. Supreme court justice

“I resign my soul into the hands of the Almighty who gave it in humble hopes of His mercy through our Savior Jesus Christ.”

Many quotes were dated both before and after Jefferson’s letter by men like Patrick Henry, US Supreme court chief justice John Jay, Robert Payne, Ben Franklin, John Quincy Adams, Gunning Bedford, Benjamin Rush and many others that beg the question about this separation.

These quotes and others also speak the importance of religion in a child’s education. The New England Primer was the primary educational source that confirms this.

If the Supreme courts’ job is to properly interpret the Constitution, should they not have had an understanding of the history surrounding these documents knowing that these interpretations could alter the course of history?

One misinterpretation of “freedom of religion” was that people had the freedom to worship any religion including religions other than Christianity, this was simply not true.

The 13 colonies were united in their belief in God, as Christians and differed only in the doctrinal issues. The “freedom of religion” was to allow these individual colonies once they became a nation to continue their freedom to worship without concern of a state church like they left in Europe.

Our founders understood the fragile nature of these guaranteed freedoms and knew the dangerous effects of Multiculturalism.

Ben Franklin said:

“No nation has ever withstood the dangers of Multiculturalism.”

Benjamin Rush stated:

“ If the practice of virtue gives way to moral and cultural relativism, as Multiculturalism espouses, America will lose their republic, freedom and blessings their once promised land bestowed.”

How is it that our founders continually gave thanks and acknowledgement to God and today we not only deny they did but believe instead that the church must be separated from the state and all evidence of God needs to be removed from society, was it so that we would not offend others?

Aristotle quoted:

“Tolerance was the last virtue of a dying society.”

As this nation grew it is important to understand that those who came here assimilated into American culture rather than filing lawsuits and try to change our laws and traditions because they were offended. Let’s see how well it has worked so far.

Since 1962, prayer, the Bible, the Ten Commandments, crosses and other symbols and traditions have been terminated and removed and deemed unlawful. The moral decline since that time is directly proportional to the continual denial of God in society.

Divorce, pornography, corruption, lawsuits, decline of family, homelessness, violent and non-violent crimes in both adults and children, an increase in laws, jail facilities, lack of common sense and personal accountability just to name a few.

The proof of our religious influence is inconsistent with the courts interpretation and needs to be challenged.Examples include but are not limited to:

10 Commandments in Archives building in D.C.
Moses, 10 Commandments and 12 apostles on front entrance of Supreme court
Republican form of government
National motto and currency
Daily congressional opening prayer
Holidays, including Sundays
Swearing under oath
Pledge of allegiance
Founding documents and quotes
Acknowledgement of Supreme court in 1799
Biblical inscription on government Buildings
Inscriptions on walls in Universities
Foundation of Universities
DC visitors bureau

These examples are only some of the many pieces of evidence that allows me to believe that the Supreme court either has little knowledge of our history or they are sworn to uphold and support an entirely different agenda.

It is our own apathy and ignorance of history that has brought us to where we, those who have sworn to protect and uphold the Constitution have come to think we know and protect something that we really know nothing about.

Ben Franklin said:

“A country that knows not where it has been knows not where it is going.”

If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?

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