Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday: Boise pride parade update

As I mentioned yesterday, I agreed to a radio interview with Nate Shelman yesterday that can be heard here: .

The purpose of this interview was to try to correct the spin that was created by the media from the past two articles. I felt I had a chance to accurately make my point and that maybe people could would hear the message from my heart rather than reading an article that could be misunderstood.

After the interview I recieved several calls including one from my good friend Jarod, who has asked me to quit referring to him as my homosexual friend that you may have read about in past posts and has allowed me to now use his name. ( I appreciate that he is allowing me to use his name because it felt completely awkward to continue having to refer to him as my homosexaul friend because didnt know how else to describe him, thanks Jarod!)

My family came in after listening and was supportive of the interview and thought it went well.

I receved a call from Doug McConohay from 580 KIDO this morning and he asked me if I would do an interview tomorrow. I have decided to do the interview tomorrow morning at 7:15am along with the pastor of my church.

Well, Things are still on for tomorrow and I am excited and hopeful that we can find some mutual respect for eachother regardless of our differences.

BTW, my friend Jarod has agreed to stand or walk with me in the parade and I respect him for stepping out supporting me despite our differences.

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