Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A few thoughts on Public school dress code- Letter to school district

Dear School Board Members,

 At my attendance last night, I was surprised to learn about a proposal Middle school Principal  brought before the school board with regards to a dress code so I thought I would share some thoughts.

 First, just because other schools have done it, is it right? Is it constitutional? Is this not a violation of one’s freedom of speech? I know from history, morality and religion are restrictions to this freedom and I support these restrictions, but when government makes laws, they are always re-active rather than proactive, quick to make people criminals, restricting the rights of others, instead of preserving the Rights and freedom for all, which was the original purpose of government.

 I realize that children’s conduct many times is less than acceptable. I also realize their dress is the same way, but we cannot continue to restrict the freedom of all children just for the sake of a few, that is what discipline is for, for those who need it, not for those who don’t. Is the job of disciplinarian, the school or the parents? Parents are to parent and the school is to educate.

 It also appeared that the principal had spent several hours on the internet researching what she would deem inappropriate, was this time and will future time be spent at the expense of the tax payers?

Who will spend the countless hours doing research on the internet to make sure no “Negative messages” get by? It could be and would be a full time job with tremendous power.

 When she states “Negative messages,” who defines the term and will this term be arbitrary and relative, subject to change according to the teacher or be clearly defined? She stated now that Tinkerbelle and dice will not be allowed at school because the gangs have used them. May I submit that wearing Levis and Dickies and Nike are also used by gang members therefore we shouldn’t wear them either? For me, shall owning classic Chevrolet’s that are commonly driven by gang members be off limits because I could be considered a member of a gang? Will bar and grill shirts or religious sayings also be at the discretion of one or many in the school board? If one is an atheist, one could consider religion “Negative”. Are the few to be punished to punish all, because a few decide to use anything negatively?

 The principal stated that kids like to dress for success, if this is true, why don’t they dress that way themselves without the school making a law?  Isn’t it after all the job of the parent and child to decide how to dress and not the school board’s decision or is the school now the parent… In parens patriae?

 Who will pay for this new dress code? Will this be one more time when the school will force the tax payer to pay for something they disagree with and if so, where does this power come from? If there are a few that disagree, are we then subject to the majority rule as a democracy or does our rule of law under our constitutional republic protect the rights of the few in opposition ?

 With all due respect, the clothing and the attitudes in school, the gang problems are not the problem, these are symptoms of the breakdown of the family, the lack of personal responsibility of parent and child and a basic degeneration of society caused, in part by the incessant use of tolerance and diversity by which people claim to be wonderful national traits, If this is true, what was meant when Aristotle stated” Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.” Isn’t the school’s implication of a dress code, contrary to its teaching, where it tends not to practice what it preaches?

 My solution to all problems is to locate the root cause. If we truly desire to fix something, it must begin there or the problems will still exist and the need for more laws will be necessary if you don’t. If you believe gang activity is the problem, go after the gangs, not make everyone else suffer at the hands of a few for when you do the freedom and liberty is in the hands of the oppressors.

 If we love our children and we honor freedom and integrity and desire to educate our children properly, we must teach them that discipline is for those that need it, that just because there are a few that cause trouble, it doesn’t mean that all have to suffer. If we label all for the sake of a few, what you define is socialistic social justice, where all actions and statements made are of equal value, where one is no better than the other, even if a crime was committed. Social justice has never nor will ever be reached because it is determined by the whims of man, subject to change rather than God’s Law where the foundation and origin of law is found, that never changes and ensures equal justice better than any law man could ever make.

 I respectfully submit this letter for consideration before the decision is made on the dress code.


 Tom Munds

Monday, February 27, 2012

Thoughts on the second amendment- A letter to a constituent

I was asked today to share some of my views on the second amendment. As I have listened to the news the past few years it has become clear to me our elected oficials have no idea what the principles of freedom are, how the constitution applies to preseve the freedom of the people or even why the Declaration and Bill of Rights were written. Here is the question and my reply to my thought on the second amendment!

Q: Any chance you could send me links to specific areas that pertain to 2A rights and that sort of thing? 

A: Dear constituent,

With regards to 2A rights, it’s simple but probably not written on my site (until now)specifically due to the fact that if I were to write with regards to specific clauses no one would take the time to read because it would take so long so to make my point, I will speak in quick, to the point constitutional generalities like this…

 1. God created the Inalienable Rights of man

2. Man created government with three branches and checks and balances to protect those rights not to dictate them.

3. Man, through their apathy and ignorance have allowed the government to take the control without authority

4. Government now thinks it has the power to control its people and does until the people take it back.

 5. The constitution was written to limit government, to control it and its purpose is to legislate its function not the people!

 6. The Bill of Rights as all Bills of Rights were declarations that told the government these were areas that it had no jurisdiction over. They could not interpret them, restrict them or control them!

 7. The Declaration of Independence was written to free the people from the bondage and tyranny of the king and free us from the written law.

 To be clear, the 2A you speak of is to be completely out of the hands of the government because it is our ONLY insurance policy against government tyranny!  

In other words, constitutionally, if you haven’t committed murder, gun toters are welcome anywhere including tax payer funded schools and government buildings, not to mention the fact that the federal government has no jurisdiction over where we carry them and where we do not !

 Isn’t it time someone called a spade a spade without all the BS that ultimately ends up in further restriction of our Rights?

 If you agree please send my information forward, I need all the help I can get, if you do not, please consider letting me know why.

I welcome any comments anyone may have and please feel free to have anyone call or email me with their concerns.

Thank you,

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Letter to school attorney- response his letter to cease and desist

February 5, 2012

Dear Mr. school attorney,

This is my first interaction with a law firm in 49 years. Within this time I have heard much about how dishonorable they operate, how they really don’t care to represent people or entities properly but only to stretch issues as long as they can to maximize their return by being as disruptive as possible to all they involve in their games of “pretend Justice.”
 As you can see, I am not someone that scares easily and does not respond well to threats. I feel I must now take you to task for disrupting my life and for your failure not only to properly represent the school but by your refusal to answer my questions in fear that I am right.
 Let us recap, I went to exercise my first amendment right at a school district meeting, I was honest and straightforward and it embarrassed the board which is why they called you. You then sent me a letter telling me I committed a crime, which is ridiculous for challenging the school board on issues that concerned me. I then sent you a letter and asked you to support your position with several more questions I wanted answers to and you refused to call me back! I left messages, sent letters and you purposely ignored me when you could have addressed the issue yourself, saving the unnecessary calls to your office after my first call to you. You could have also stated I was not worthy to contact you in your first letter to me and could have also saved your staff the trouble of having to answer my calls.
 Then, the latest, I just received on February 4th, you write another letter to threaten me and support your position substantiating it with weak laws that are unconstitutional on their face instead of answering the questions I asked? Why not have just answered my questions in the first place?
 I made closer to eight calls, not 20 (are you exaggerating!) to your office and was no more rude or frustrated that anyone else that would call and out of complete disrespect, you fail to return their calls. Do you think you can send me a letter telling me I committed a crime and spinelessly not have to be challenged on your position then have me bow to your demands at your failure to answer my questions?
 I am a law abiding man of honor and of truth and will not back down from anyone. I will hold anyone accountable for divisive and unwarranted behavior even if it is someone with a title of nobility which is apparently undeserved.
 I find your use of ambiguous terms disrespectful and dishonorable for a man of your education. If you are truly detail oriented, perhaps I can suggest that you first get your facts straight. Your use of “Probably” or “something like” is very unprofessional and unbecoming of a man of such an elevated title as yourself.
 At this point in time, I have given you the chance to straighten out this issue between myself and the school board and feel you are totally unwilling.
 I will accept your first letter charging me of a crime as null and void due to your failure to answer my questions and will go on with business as usual; I have respectfully denied my attendance at several school board meetings hoping for a remedy that has never come.  Due to your failure to address these issues, you  have forced me to, without remedy, resume my attendance.
 It has been a pleasure to learn more about your profession and how pathetic it really is, how dishonorable you operate and threatening you can be in attempts to scare people into submission.
Thank you Mr. school attorney, for allowing me to realize that a tile of nobility is after all just a title and carries with it nothing of any substance. If I am elected I will do what I can to make sure that the power you now possess has new limitations that put the power back in the hands of the people.
 In response to your use of local laws, the constitution, which you never have cited, and its superiority, guarantees me a limited republican form of government, where the power is inherent in the people and where our freedoms and liberties are not squelched by the tyrannical laws of men but preserved for generations to come. The Bill of Rights are a merely list of reiterations in areas that governments should have no control. (but as an attorney you knew that, right?)
 "The sacred rights of mankind are not rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as the sun beam in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power>" Alexander Hamilton 1775
 Very truly yours,

Thomas A. Munds
Candidate for Idaho State Senate, District 11
P.O Box 851
Middleton, Idaho 83644

 By the way, your “client” was paid for, without proper authorization with OUR TAX DOLLARS, as a protective and controlling mechanism to prevent being held accountable by the people that pay their salary. In essence, at our expense, WE hire you to sue and harass us? Does this compute to you? Is this what is right, honorable and desirable in the most free country in the free world? I think not.

School district attorneys cease and desist letter

Unbelievable letter from an attorney that first sent me a letter for challenging the authroty of the school board meeting, see my reply in the next post.(Letter re-written verbatim to post)

January 31, 2012

Dear Mr. Munds,

Today you left a message with my receptionist that you were goiing to sue me if I didn't talk to you on the telephone. This is probably the 20th harasing phone call you have made to my office. You have been rude, threatening and inappopriate with my staff.

I am writing this letter to demand that you cease and desist contacting my law firm or me from this point forward. I do not represent you. I represented, for a limited purpose, the _____School district. I have not been authorized to charge my client for speaking with you and consider my initial communication to be the first and last communication with you.

Idaho law prohibits the use of a telephone to threaten or harass. The Federal Communcaition's Act also prohibits telephone harassment. If I receive one more call from you, I will refer the matter to federal and state law enforcement officials for prosecution. If you personally appear at my office, I will request you be cited for tresspass.

Very Truly Yours,
School district attorney

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Letter in response to cease and desist from school attorney

Dear School attorney,

 This is my first interaction with a law firm in 49 years. In this length of time I have heard much about how dishonorable they operate, how they really do not care to represent people or entities properly but only how to stretch issues as long as they can to maximize their return by being as disruptive as possible to all they involve in their games of “pretend Justice.”

 As you can see, I am not someone that scares easily and does not respond well to threats. I feel I must now take you to task for disrupting my life and for your failure not only to properly represent the school but you’re by refusal to answer my questions in fear that I am right.

 Let us recap, I went to exercise my first amendment right at a school district meeting, I was honest and straightforward and it embarrassed the board which is why they called you. You then sent me a letter telling me I committed a crime, which is ridiculous for challenging the school board on issues that concerned me. I then sent you a letter and asked you to support your position with several more questions I wanted answers to and you refused to call me back! I left messages, sent letters and you purposely ignored me when you could have addressed the issue yourself, saving the unnecessary calls to your office after my first call to you. You could have also stated  I was not worthy to contact you in your first letter to me and  could  have also saved your staff the trouble of having to answer  my calls.

The latest, I just received on February 4th, you write another letter to threaten me and support your position with weak laws that are unconstitutional on their face instead of answering the questions I asked? Why not have just answered my questions in the fist place?

 I made closer to eight calls, not 20 (are you exaggerating!) to your office and was no more rude or frustrated that anyone else that would call and out of complete disrespect, you fail to return their call. Do you think you can send me a letter telling me I committed a crime and spinelessly not have to be challenged on your position then have me bow to you demands at your failure to answer my questions?

 I am a law abiding man of Honor and of Truth and will not back down from anyone. I will hold anyone accountable for divisive and unwarranted behavior even if it is someone with a title of nobility which apparently is undeserved.

 I find your use of ambiguous terms disrespectful and dishonorable for a man of your education. If you are truly detail oriented, perhaps I can suggest that you first get your facts straight. Your use of “Probably” or “something like” is very unprofessional and unbecoming of a man of such an elevated title as yourself.

 At this point in time, I have given you the chance to straighten out this issue between myself and the school board and feel you are totally unwilling.

 I will accept your first letter charging me of a crime as null and void due to your failure to answer my questions and will go on with business as usual, I have respectfully denied my attendance at several meetings hoping for a remedy that has never come.

 It has been a pleasure to learn more about your profession and how pathetic it really is, how dishonorable you operate and threatening you can be in attempts to scare people into submission.

Thank you Mr. attorney for allowing me to realize that a tile of nobility is after all just a title and carries with it nothing of any substance.

 Very truly yours,

 Thomas A. Munds

 By the way, your “client” was paid for, without authorization with OUR TAX DOLLARS, as a protective and controlling mechanism to prevent being held accountable by the people that pay their salary. In essence, at our expense, WE hire you to sue and harass us. Does this compute to you, is this what is right, honorable and desirable in the most free country in the free world? I think not.

Letter from school cease and desist

After my final letter of notice and demand that went to various government entities, I finally recieved a letter from the school attorney, not because he was adhering to my request but because after repeated attempts to contact him by phone and hisrefusal to answer my letter, it was a latter to me to cease and desist my harrassment, Serioulsy?Anyway, here is his letter to me dated January 31,2012.

Dear Mr. Munds,

Today you left a message with my receptionaist that you were going to sue me if I didn't talk to you on the phone. This is PROBABLY the 20th harrassing phone call you have made to my office. You have been rude, threatening and inappropriate with my staff.

I am writing this letter to demand that you cease and desist contacting my law firm of me from this point forward. I do not represent you. I represented, for a limited purpose, the --- school district. I  Have not been authorized to charge my client for speaking with you  and I consider my initial communication with youto be the first and last communication with you.

Idaho law prohibits the use of telephone to threaten and harass. The Federal Communications Act also prohibits telephone harrassment. If I receive one more call from you I will refer the matter to federal and state law enforcement officials for prosecution. If you personally appear at my office, I will request you be cited for trespass.

Very Truly Yours,

 School attorney

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Coaches and athletic directors making law?

Sometimes I  break from the political fight  to enjoy my children while I can but I find it increasingly  more difficult because of the restrictions placed upon myself and my kids.

Who makes law, better yet who isn't making law?

Everytime my kids or wife tells me we are going to a game, it seems my blood pressure begins to rise. Why? Because everytime I go , I find out more of our rights are being restricted by people without that authority.

One day last week We had a basketball game in Nampa. I was aware from previous visits that they have make a law that no outside food and drinks are allowed, I really wanted to know how they make such laws and who enforces them so when we arrived I began speaking with the athletic director.

Typically, today when you question authority, there is an immediate defensive reaction. Realizing this I told him that I was aware of this fact and didn't want him to think I was trying to be combative but needed some answers.

When I told him I was running for legislature and had some questions he asked what I was referring to. I pointed to the various signs around the foyer and asked him where he got the authority to prevent people from bringing outside food and drink into the school and to force people to spend money at the concessions. He told me that no one has ever questioned it before and people are just so willing to comply.

I stated that just because people are willing to comply doesn't mean that the laws created by the school are acceptable just because people don't know better. He told me that it was for two reasons:

1. To keep the kids safe ( Where have we heard this before!)
2. To make money at concessions

When I asked him if he ever thought about the rights violations with regads to his decisions he said there were no rights violations, as government authorities without authority typically do.

I said so help me out and walk me through this in my head...

The Rights of the people are God given  and are inalienable.
People Ordained and Established governemnt to protect those Rights
People pay taxes to support the protection of their rights
People are forced to take from their own savings and retirement to pay for government workers
Government creates agencies to protect themselves from the people that created them.
Government creates public school and indoctrinates the people to believe rights come from government
Government takes the power from the people and takes our rights away..

I said so, to make my point, The people pay for the building you work in, create your job, pay your salary, your retirement and benefits at the expense of ours so you can restrict the rights of those who created your existence?

I asked him to explain how the rights of the children and the tax payers are not being violated?

I stated the obvious: You have denied outside food and drink to force us to pay for concessions that we payed for you to have in the first place to resell back to us.

You have put signs on the pop machines stating that we cannot use the pop machines while concessions are open to force us to pay for them, then you force us to pay admission to the same building  that was built and maintained by the taxpayer?

Then you state that no food or beverage is allowed for safety but it only applies to Highschool? Don't the younger children deserve the same protection?  Maybe this proves that it isn't about safety at all!

How many times do you think a taxpayer should keep paying for the same service? We built everything you are restricting us from, how do you justify your position?

He said well, you cant bring your thermos in because iut may have alcohol in it. I said is it a crime to have alcohol in school, when no crime has been committed and if it is dangerous should you go after the state since it sells it?

I asked him again, Where do you get your authority to restrict the people and he said " A few coaches and a few school athlectic directors decided to restrict the people in the name of safety."

I asked him what would he do if someone refused to pay, he said he didnt know because no one had ever challenged the rule before, then told me I would be removed from the premesis and arrested!

Arrested? For what? Refusing to pay for something I already paid for?



If  the sports tems need money perhaps they should ask for it, not force people to pay it! Are they afraid that people won't pay? That should tell you something.

If they can't afford to pay for sports and the maintenence of the buildings maybe they should have thought about that before they built them, went to such extravigance, cusioned their retirement and salary..for life and have the benefits of their existence tall o fall on the tax payer. If this country was founded that all men are created equal, why cant I keep my income and keep the money I save for mine as they could for theirs.

I will no longer tolerate "fear tactics" where they use the kids as their monetary and political pawn to get what they want!

Friday, February 3, 2012

BOISE SMOKIN BAN information

Greetings concerned citizens,

Special thanks to 580 KIDO radio's Kevin Miller and Austin Hill for covering this issue and trusting me in the public exposure of government corruption at all levels. I appreciate them very much.

Several months ago, our Boise mayor and his council decided, by executive decree, to intervene in private businesses imposing a smoking ban ordinance. Whats next? Will they control what we do in our homes, in our cars, because that's what's either here on on its way!

In the first hearing I was there with my video camera ( video on "Video" tab on my website) and with my line of questioning, called out Councilman Alan Shealy when he stated that "The constitutional BS!?"  I couldnt believe what I had heard and no one seemed outraged, why? Maybe some will now understand.

Anyway, several years before and onward through that hearing, I  began watching and have continued involvement in boldly fighting for the rights of the citizens of Boise and our state, which is also why I an running for state legislature and hope people will see that I will not allow the rights of others to be violated if I can help it!

This information below is is to direct you to a defense fund we have created to pay for legal fees to fight against our mayor and council and to prevent further usurpation of government in all areas.

 It is my desire, but not required, to speak with you, to get to know you as I get your thoughts on the governments intervention before you send any money.

If you have concerns, please call me:
Tom Munds 208-861-6405

or email me:

The Boise legal defense fund for the smoking ban is:

P.O Box 190031
Boise, Idaho 83719

I am interested in hearing stories from not just bar and restaurant owners but people that frequent these restaurants. As I understand it, the Boise Police have began Nazi style sweeps to make sure people are not breaking the law with regards to the ordinance which is really no law at all because they simply don't have the authority!

If you have information regarding such stories, I need to hear from you to stop this madness!

In the name of Freedom and liberty for all,