Articles found in local papers:
Due to the overwhelming response, all pictures, video, commetaries and testimonies will be available here where we have dedicated a page to Dr. Blue's outreach. Please feel free to visit and comment:!/profile.php?id=100002430715859
Choosing Life My eyes got teary as I drove by Broadway and saw the pictures of the aborted fetuses this past week. Abortion is a very personal issue to me, because I could have been one of those babies on their signs years ago.
Thirty-three years ago, my 14-yearold birth mother found herself with an unplanned pregnancy. I can't imagine how scared she was and how much grief she probably got from her friends and family. It would have been easy for her to walk into a clinic and "solve the problem" but she courageously chose adoption.
Every day, I wake up knowing I am blessed to be alive. I am so thankful that God knew me and created me before he formed the world (Psalms 139) and had a wonderful plan for my life (Jeremiah 29:11). If it wasn't for my birth mother putting my needs before her own, I wouldn't be the daughter, grand-daughter, wife, or mother I am today.
You can hold up your "My body, my choice" signs, but, as a follower of Christ, I know my body was given to me by God and doesn't belong to me.
He bought me with a price -Jesus' death on the cross to pay for my sins -and everything I do from this day until I die, I do it to honor him.
Mom, whoever you might be, you gave me the chance to live life to the fullest.
Krista Nethercott Jackson
Another article:
The unsaved I watched with interest last week as the community clashed with the individuals from Operation Save America. What I saw and what I read were quite different from what the people of Jackson were proclaiming.
The only hate and violence being shown or shouted was from the people of Jackson. I was ashamed at what I saw people do and say to the folks from OSA.
We could expect this kind of response from the unsaved, because, frankly, they don't know any better, but the Christians in the community allowed their fellowman to be bombarded and never lifted a finger.
How OSA chooses to display its cause may not be palatable to the peo ple of this community, but this courageous group from all over the United States certainly drew a line in the sand and separated the wheat from the chaff.
I've always said that honor becomes relevant only when character is challenged; otherwise, anyone can sound good. Last week, the characters of First Baptist Church, River Crossing, Jackson Hole Baptist Church, Community Bible Church, Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church and the LDS church, to name a few, were challenged. These groups all proclaim to be against abortion, but not a soul showed compassion or even solidarity by writing a word to the paper. This sin by silence was out of fear and with good reason.
The only church that offered OSA people a place to meet and pray was Mountain View Baptist Church. That brave group had horrifying messages and death threats phoned to them and, and as we know, the church was vandalized. As Edmund Burke said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing," which is precisely what occurred.
Trena Eiden Big Piney, Jackson
Another article:
Stand Up In the 11 years I've lived in Jackson, I've never seen this community shaken up so much as when the protesters from Kansas and Operation Save America showed up. I heard a month before that a radical anti-abortion group was planning on coming to protest. I didn't think that was a good idea, because it seemed too controversial.
I completely forgot about it until the Wednesday morning they arrived on Broadway to deliver their "shock and awe campaign." When I saw the graphic pictures of the aborted baby, I was shocked and deeply offended. I wasn't offended that OSA showed the pictures in public, but I was offended that this is happening in our community on Saturday mornings.
For years, I've driven past EmergA-Care, admiring the airplane propellers over the entrance without thinking about what takes place inside. I've since talked with several churchgoers about this. They said they agreed with OSA's pro-life stance but didn't agree with the delivery of the group's message, because it wasn't a lovingenough approach.
The Bible says an open rebuke is better than hidden love. Isaiah 58:1 says, "Show my people their sins."
Abortion is horrific, and showing graphic pictures humanizes it.
A major turning point in the civil rights battle was the murder and open-casket funeral of 14-year-old Emmett Till. Tens of thousands of people filed past Emmett's body to see the horrors of segregation. As the brutal photos circulated around the country and television coverage of police violence against peaceful protesters in Birmingham made its way into America's living rooms, we decided we weren't going to tolerate it anymore.
OSA's protesting strategy has led to hundreds of abortion clinics being shut down around the country. They save thousands of unborn children's lives, each year. In Wichita Kan., the hometown of many of the protesters, all three abortion clinics have been shut down. The graphic pictures are effective in changing minds. My family and I stood for several hours with the protesters, and, let me tell you, it was uncomfortable. I haven't been flipped off or threatened like that before, but standing up for those who don't have a voice is worth it.
To the Christians and churchgoers in this community, don't be afraid to stand up for what you know is right, even if it puts you in an uncomfortable spot among your peers.
Jeremy Aughenbaugh Jackson
Another article:
No sin in Wichita?
Wichita must be virtually sinless. So much so that Operation Save America felt it necessary to travel to Jackson Hole, Wyo., to save our souls ("Local pastor arrested in Wyoming protest," May 22 Local & State).
This radical anti-abortion group tried to make Wyoming the first abortionist-free state. During their time here, protesters displayed extremely graphic photos, waved signs accusing a local doctor of being a murderer, and handed out religious tracts. All of this in full view and hearing of our children and very impressionable young people.
Our Jackson residents and Wyoming government are very capable of making our own governing decisions, without outside interference.
I realize this ministry is a small part of your community and not representative of all. I do ask the good people of Wichita to please increase their sinful behavior in order to occupy these people.
Make it bad.
Spirit One Christian Center pastor Mark Holick and his followers will save you.
Jackson, Wyo.
Read more:
Town, Church Group Clash - Jackson Hole Daily:
Other Jackson articles:
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Articles and commentaries
Jackson newspaper - Police arrest of two of our guys for preaching on the sidewalk!!!… Public safety concerns obligated police to ask for restriction, chief says.
An attorney for Operation Save America filed an appeal last week of 9th District Judge Timothy Day's order prohibiting group members from assembling or displaying graphic photos May 21 on Town Square.
The group violated the restraining order, pastor Mark Holick said, but the appeal is necessary because group members think police violated the antiabortion activists' constitutional rights.
"We have to challenge the restraining order, which limited our First Amendment rights and was content specific," Holick said in a phone interview Tuesday. "And it was the Jackson police's reason for arresting us."
Holick, pastor of the Wichita, Kan.based Spirit One Christian Ministries, and activist Chet Gallagher were arrested May 21 and charged with misdemeanor violating a court order. They have appearances set for Thursday in 9th Circuit Court, but Holick said they are hoping to avoid court and to have their attorney file their pleas.
The appeal is the first step in a process, Holick said, though he wasn't sure what the next step might be.
If the Wyoming Supreme Court were to find Day's order violated group members' rights, their attorney might file a motion to dismiss the criminal charges, Holick said.
The order barred Operation Save America from "assembling on the Jackson Town Square without a permit or holding posters/signs or materials of any graphic nature (e.g., aborted fetus pictures) on the Town Square or within a two-block radius thereof."
When police served Holick and other group members with the order, an officer told them they couldn't talk about abortion or Dr. Brent Blue, the target of their recent anti-abortion protest, Holick said. Police also told group members they couldn't pass out fliers about abortion, he said.
Free speech vs. public safety "You can't silence somebody's speech just because you don't like what they're saying," Holick said.
Jackson Police Chief Todd Smith said Tuesday that requesting the order was within the legal realm of options available to law enforcement.
"I think law enforcement had the obligation to make the request if they felt there was a public safety concern," he said.
Smith declined to make additional comments because of pending litigation, he said.
In an affidavit supporting a request for the temporary retraining order, police Lt. Bob Gilliam said he feared allowing the group to display graphic photographs in front of children during the 44th annual Boy Scout Elk Antler Auction would incite violence against the group.
"Not only do I believe this will occur, but the situation presents a significant law enforcement challenge in policing the event and maintaining peace and public order," Gilliam's affidavit says.
Day noted in the order that "one incident of violence has already occurred."
Jackson resident Mike Randall was arrested May 20 on a misdemeanor reckless endangering charge alleging he clipped a protester's sign as the protester walked across West Broadway.
Randall pleaded not guilty, and his case is pending in 9th Circuit Court.
Limited protections The First Amendment provides only limited protections of free speech, Town Attorney Audrey Cohen-Davis said in a petition for the order.
The government may place "reasonable, content-neutral time, place and manner restrictions" on demonstrations in traditional public forums, according to case law. Any restriction of "expressive content" must serve a compelling interest and be narrowly drawn to achieve that end, court records say.
Day agreed with Cohen-Davis' argument: "The court finds that there is a compelling interest to protect the 200-plus children and Boy Scouts attending the ElkFest from being exposed to protesters holding and displaying large signs containing pictures of aborted fetuses.
"Further," Day ruled, "the court finds that the town's proposed restriction is narrowly tailored to protect and serve that compelling state interest in that it is restricting Operation Save America from its protest activities for a limited number of hours within a limited geographic area in the town of Jackson."
The "narrowly drawn" restrictions applied to a two-block area north of Pearl Avenue, west of Willow Street, south of Gill Avenue and east of Milward Street between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. May 21.
The group would have been permitted to protest in other public places throughout town, court records say.
Day also found that state law allows cities and towns to regulate assemblies if they disturb or jeopardize the public health, safety, peace or morality in any public or private place.
The appeal isn't the first time Holick and Operation Save America have pressed their case in court.
In 2008, Holick sued Wichita and two of its police officers in the U.S. District Court of Kansas over his arrest in June 2007 outside a gay pride event.
In a consent order dismissing the case, Judge Thomas Marten said Holick was preparing to share his religious views on a public sidewalk outside an arena where the event was to take place. Within five minutes of arriving, police threatened Holick with arrest if he refused to leave and then arrested him, the order says.
The criminal charges filed against Holick in the case were dismissed, the order says.
The city paid Holick $11,700 for the unlawful arrest and $2,500 for his attorney's fees.
In the Kansas case, police did not have a restraining order prohibiting Holick from protesting or expressing his views in the area of the Gay Pride event.
Due to the overwhelming response, all pictures, video, commetaries and testimonies will be available here where we have dedicated a page to Dr. Blue's outreach. Please feel free to visit and comment:!/profile.php?id=100002430715859
An attorney for Operation Save America filed an appeal last week of 9th District Judge Timothy Day's order prohibiting group members from assembling or displaying graphic photos May 21 on Town Square.
The group violated the restraining order, pastor Mark Holick said, but the appeal is necessary because group members think police violated the antiabortion activists' constitutional rights.
"We have to challenge the restraining order, which limited our First Amendment rights and was content specific," Holick said in a phone interview Tuesday. "And it was the Jackson police's reason for arresting us."
Holick, pastor of the Wichita, Kan.based Spirit One Christian Ministries, and activist Chet Gallagher were arrested May 21 and charged with misdemeanor violating a court order. They have appearances set for Thursday in 9th Circuit Court, but Holick said they are hoping to avoid court and to have their attorney file their pleas.
The appeal is the first step in a process, Holick said, though he wasn't sure what the next step might be.
If the Wyoming Supreme Court were to find Day's order violated group members' rights, their attorney might file a motion to dismiss the criminal charges, Holick said.
The order barred Operation Save America from "assembling on the Jackson Town Square without a permit or holding posters/signs or materials of any graphic nature (e.g., aborted fetus pictures) on the Town Square or within a two-block radius thereof."
When police served Holick and other group members with the order, an officer told them they couldn't talk about abortion or Dr. Brent Blue, the target of their recent anti-abortion protest, Holick said. Police also told group members they couldn't pass out fliers about abortion, he said.
Free speech vs. public safety "You can't silence somebody's speech just because you don't like what they're saying," Holick said.
Jackson Police Chief Todd Smith said Tuesday that requesting the order was within the legal realm of options available to law enforcement.
"I think law enforcement had the obligation to make the request if they felt there was a public safety concern," he said.
Smith declined to make additional comments because of pending litigation, he said.
In an affidavit supporting a request for the temporary retraining order, police Lt. Bob Gilliam said he feared allowing the group to display graphic photographs in front of children during the 44th annual Boy Scout Elk Antler Auction would incite violence against the group.
"Not only do I believe this will occur, but the situation presents a significant law enforcement challenge in policing the event and maintaining peace and public order," Gilliam's affidavit says.
Day noted in the order that "one incident of violence has already occurred."
Jackson resident Mike Randall was arrested May 20 on a misdemeanor reckless endangering charge alleging he clipped a protester's sign as the protester walked across West Broadway.
Randall pleaded not guilty, and his case is pending in 9th Circuit Court.
Limited protections The First Amendment provides only limited protections of free speech, Town Attorney Audrey Cohen-Davis said in a petition for the order.
The government may place "reasonable, content-neutral time, place and manner restrictions" on demonstrations in traditional public forums, according to case law. Any restriction of "expressive content" must serve a compelling interest and be narrowly drawn to achieve that end, court records say.
Day agreed with Cohen-Davis' argument: "The court finds that there is a compelling interest to protect the 200-plus children and Boy Scouts attending the ElkFest from being exposed to protesters holding and displaying large signs containing pictures of aborted fetuses.
"Further," Day ruled, "the court finds that the town's proposed restriction is narrowly tailored to protect and serve that compelling state interest in that it is restricting Operation Save America from its protest activities for a limited number of hours within a limited geographic area in the town of Jackson."
The "narrowly drawn" restrictions applied to a two-block area north of Pearl Avenue, west of Willow Street, south of Gill Avenue and east of Milward Street between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. May 21.
The group would have been permitted to protest in other public places throughout town, court records say.
Day also found that state law allows cities and towns to regulate assemblies if they disturb or jeopardize the public health, safety, peace or morality in any public or private place.
The appeal isn't the first time Holick and Operation Save America have pressed their case in court.
In 2008, Holick sued Wichita and two of its police officers in the U.S. District Court of Kansas over his arrest in June 2007 outside a gay pride event.
In a consent order dismissing the case, Judge Thomas Marten said Holick was preparing to share his religious views on a public sidewalk outside an arena where the event was to take place. Within five minutes of arriving, police threatened Holick with arrest if he refused to leave and then arrested him, the order says.
The criminal charges filed against Holick in the case were dismissed, the order says.
The city paid Holick $11,700 for the unlawful arrest and $2,500 for his attorney's fees.
In the Kansas case, police did not have a restraining order prohibiting Holick from protesting or expressing his views in the area of the Gay Pride event.
Due to the overwhelming response, all pictures, video, commetaries and testimonies will be available here where we have dedicated a page to Dr. Blue's outreach. Please feel free to visit and comment:!/profile.php?id=100002430715859
Tom's plea to the prosecutor...
To: Jackson, Wyoming Attorney, law enforcement and all those in the Executive branch,
We understand that to some residents in Jackson we were a surprise to be seen, but the truth of it is that before our arrival there was much careful planning that took place in the way of research, conversation in abiding by local statutes, purchasing permits and obeying other laws which we clearly tried to do that is evidenced in our video recordings while we were there, which I and others do possess.
I know that we must have been an inconvenience to you (our apologies for that) in that we put you in a position to have to watch us expose the vile and disrespectful nature of your citizens (contrary to what your newspaper stated) as we smiled anyway, and went about our business but we feel that the law should be the law not just some arbitrary instrument that can be used to manipulate certain people and ignore others and change every few minutes as was evident in several areas like the revocation of our sound permits and the reduction of a public freedom of speech right down to the questionable reliability on a decibel meter.
In my personal experience with law enforcement, I can tell you that without a shadow of a doubt, yours have been the best I have ever seen, respectful, courteous and even took time to chat with a few of us that I will take to heart for as long as I live and those men know who they are.
But as for the law since the law has no prejudice, there remains violations on man’s most basic liberty guaranteed by our Constitution that cannot be denied to anyone.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
In closing, with no harm or malice done I am requesting that you please drop the charges against Rev. Chet Gallegher and Pastor Mark E. Holick and not deny man’s basic rights to his expression and to remember the oath that officers like yourselves have taken to protect these liberties of the citizens which is after all, the original intent of law enforcement.
These men and many like us are good men, we have families are genuinely concerned for our nation. We have taken time to understand our great history and it’s Biblical foundations and we know, for a fact, that if we do not return to them this country is done! The future of our children will be anything but free.
Tell me why is it that we would arrest men who peacefully uphold the law in your own state and protect those who view murder as a choice?
Does not your own state constitution states in its preamble:
We, the people of the State of Wyoming, grateful to God for our civil, political and religious liberties, and desiring to secure them to ourselves and perpetuate them to our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
Article 1, Section 2. Equality of all.
In their inherent right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all members of the human race are equal.
Article 1, Section 3. Equal political rights.
Since equality in the enjoyment of natural and civil rights is only made sure through political equality, the laws of this state affecting the political rights and privileges of its citizens shall be without distinction of race, color, sex, or any circumstance or condition whatsoever other than individual incompetency, or unworthiness duly ascertained by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Article 1, Section 7. No absolute, arbitrary power.
Absolute, arbitrary power over the lives, liberty and property of freemen exists nowhere in a republic, not even in the largest majority.
Article 1, Section 18. Religious liberty.
The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship without discrimination or preference shall be forever guaranteed in this state,
I know, it is not necessary to post the entire constitution to make the point, all I am asking is to please release these men for there truly have been no laws broken, at least one’s that God would disapprove of. Is there really any other source of law that ensures freedom and liberty than God’s law which is why he is mention in the preamble of the constitution of every state in the union for more than 234 years??
Thank you for your time and comments are more than welcome,
Most sincerely and Patriotically Yours,
Due to the overwhelming response, all pictures, video, commetaries and testimonies will be available here where we have dedicated a page to Dr. Blue's outreach. Please feel free to visit and comment:!/profile.php?id=100002430715859
We understand that to some residents in Jackson we were a surprise to be seen, but the truth of it is that before our arrival there was much careful planning that took place in the way of research, conversation in abiding by local statutes, purchasing permits and obeying other laws which we clearly tried to do that is evidenced in our video recordings while we were there, which I and others do possess.
I know that we must have been an inconvenience to you (our apologies for that) in that we put you in a position to have to watch us expose the vile and disrespectful nature of your citizens (contrary to what your newspaper stated) as we smiled anyway, and went about our business but we feel that the law should be the law not just some arbitrary instrument that can be used to manipulate certain people and ignore others and change every few minutes as was evident in several areas like the revocation of our sound permits and the reduction of a public freedom of speech right down to the questionable reliability on a decibel meter.
In my personal experience with law enforcement, I can tell you that without a shadow of a doubt, yours have been the best I have ever seen, respectful, courteous and even took time to chat with a few of us that I will take to heart for as long as I live and those men know who they are.
But as for the law since the law has no prejudice, there remains violations on man’s most basic liberty guaranteed by our Constitution that cannot be denied to anyone.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
In closing, with no harm or malice done I am requesting that you please drop the charges against Rev. Chet Gallegher and Pastor Mark E. Holick and not deny man’s basic rights to his expression and to remember the oath that officers like yourselves have taken to protect these liberties of the citizens which is after all, the original intent of law enforcement.
These men and many like us are good men, we have families are genuinely concerned for our nation. We have taken time to understand our great history and it’s Biblical foundations and we know, for a fact, that if we do not return to them this country is done! The future of our children will be anything but free.
Tell me why is it that we would arrest men who peacefully uphold the law in your own state and protect those who view murder as a choice?
Does not your own state constitution states in its preamble:
We, the people of the State of Wyoming, grateful to God for our civil, political and religious liberties, and desiring to secure them to ourselves and perpetuate them to our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
Article 1, Section 2. Equality of all.
In their inherent right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all members of the human race are equal.
Article 1, Section 3. Equal political rights.
Since equality in the enjoyment of natural and civil rights is only made sure through political equality, the laws of this state affecting the political rights and privileges of its citizens shall be without distinction of race, color, sex, or any circumstance or condition whatsoever other than individual incompetency, or unworthiness duly ascertained by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Article 1, Section 7. No absolute, arbitrary power.
Absolute, arbitrary power over the lives, liberty and property of freemen exists nowhere in a republic, not even in the largest majority.
Article 1, Section 18. Religious liberty.
The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship without discrimination or preference shall be forever guaranteed in this state,
I know, it is not necessary to post the entire constitution to make the point, all I am asking is to please release these men for there truly have been no laws broken, at least one’s that God would disapprove of. Is there really any other source of law that ensures freedom and liberty than God’s law which is why he is mention in the preamble of the constitution of every state in the union for more than 234 years??
Thank you for your time and comments are more than welcome,
Most sincerely and Patriotically Yours,
Due to the overwhelming response, all pictures, video, commetaries and testimonies will be available here where we have dedicated a page to Dr. Blue's outreach. Please feel free to visit and comment:!/profile.php?id=100002430715859
Johnny law gets his man...public safety concerns...

An attorney for Operation Save America filed an appeal last week of 9th District Judge Timothy Day's order prohibiting group members from assembling or displaying graphic photos May 21 on Town Square.
The group violated the restraining order, pastor Mark Holick said, but the appeal is necessary because group members think police violated the antiabortion activists' constitutional rights.
"We have to challenge the restraining order, which limited our First Amendment rights and was content specific," Holick said in a phone interview Tuesday. "And it was the Jackson police's reason for arresting us."
Holick, pastor of the Wichita, Kan.based Spirit One Christian Ministries, and activist Chet Gallagher were arrested May 21 and charged with misdemeanor violating a court order. They have appearances set for Thursday in 9th Circuit Court, but Holick said they are hoping to avoid court and to have their attorney file their pleas.
The appeal is the first step in a process, Holick said, though he wasn't sure what the next step might be.
If the Wyoming Supreme Court were to find Day's order violated group members' rights, their attorney might file a motion to dismiss the criminal charges, Holick said.
The order barred Operation Save America from "assembling on the Jackson Town Square without a permit or holding posters/signs or materials of any graphic nature (e.g., aborted fetus pictures) on the Town Square or within a two-block radius thereof."
When police served Holick and other group members with the order, an officer told them they couldn't talk about abortion or Dr. Brent Blue, the target of their recent anti-abortion protest, Holick said. Police also told group members they couldn't pass out fliers about abortion, he said.
Free speech vs. public safety "You can't silence somebody's speech just because you don't like what they're saying," Holick said.
Jackson Police Chief Todd Smith said Tuesday that requesting the order was within the legal realm of options available to law enforcement.
"I think law enforcement had the obligation to make the request if they felt there was a public safety concern," he said.
Smith declined to make additional comments because of pending litigation, he said.
In an affidavit supporting a request for the temporary retraining order, police Lt. Bob Gilliam said he feared allowing the group to display graphic photographs in front of children during the 44th annual Boy Scout Elk Antler Auction would incite violence against the group.
"Not only do I believe this will occur, but the situation presents a significant law enforcement challenge in policing the event and maintaining peace and public order," Gilliam's affidavit says.
Day noted in the order that "one incident of violence has already occurred."
Jackson resident Mike Randall was arrested May 20 on a misdemeanor reckless endangering charge alleging he clipped a protester's sign as the protester walked across West Broadway.
Randall pleaded not guilty, and his case is pending in 9th Circuit Court.
Limited protections The First Amendment provides only limited protections of free speech, Town Attorney Audrey Cohen-Davis said in a petition for the order.
The government may place "reasonable, content-neutral time, place and manner restrictions" on demonstrations in traditional public forums, according to case law. Any restriction of "expressive content" must serve a compelling interest and be narrowly drawn to achieve that end, court records say.
Day agreed with Cohen-Davis' argument: "The court finds that there is a compelling interest to protect the 200-plus children and Boy Scouts attending the ElkFest from being exposed to protesters holding and displaying large signs containing pictures of aborted fetuses.
"Further," Day ruled, "the court finds that the town's proposed restriction is narrowly tailored to protect and serve that compelling state interest in that it is restricting Operation Save America from its protest activities for a limited number of hours within a limited geographic area in the town of Jackson."
The "narrowly drawn" restrictions applied to a two-block area north of Pearl Avenue, west of Willow Street, south of Gill Avenue and east of Milward Street between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. May 21.
The group would have been permitted to protest in other public places throughout town, court records say.
Day also found that state law allows cities and towns to regulate assemblies if they disturb or jeopardize the public health, safety, peace or morality in any public or private place.
The appeal isn't the first time Holick and Operation Save America have pressed their case in court.
In 2008, Holick sued Wichita and two of its police officers in the U.S. District Court of Kansas over his arrest in June 2007 outside a gay pride event.
In a consent order dismissing the case, Judge Thomas Marten said Holick was preparing to share his religious views on a public sidewalk outside an arena where the event was to take place. Within five minutes of arriving, police threatened Holick with arrest if he refused to leave and then arrested him, the order says.
The criminal charges filed against Holick in the case were dismissed, the order says.
The city paid Holick $11,700 for the unlawful arrest and $2,500 for his attorney's fees.
In the Kansas case, police did not have a restraining order prohibiting Holick from protesting or expressing his views in the area of the Gay Pride event.
50 Prolife activists swarm the little town of Jackson Hole Day 4
Today, Friday, our last day. I was filed with mixed emotions. I didn't want to leave but missed home and my family. I was truly having the time of my life and made some great friends some who agree with uis and even some who didn't. I got email addresses and phone numbers and requersts for Facebook.
If I remember Friday correctly, it was like days before, cold mornings, we began at the school, left before the youngsters arrived, had breakfast and hit the streets again, where we were till 5PM. Coach and I had to leave back to Idaho later today so our trip was cut short but we stayed as long as we could. The PA went up, signs, banners, bull horns, it was all out!
The week progressed with unrelenting gradual intensity from both sides, although we did the same things with smiles on our faces, reaching out and conversing with others, still having people come up to us, some people were adamant about having this stopped and they would do anything even trying to hit us with their vehicles as one man was arrested for this attempt!

I was a bit discouraged when I saw the Sheriff and the local officials had decided to pull the sound permit and reduce our liberty of free speech to a decibel meter! I began questioning their understanding of the constitution but since they had never seen anything like this before, I’m pretty sure they did the best they could at the drop of a hat, caught between a rock and hard place. Basically we had to remain under 80db, which interestingly enough is less than a car horn or someone screaming from a car window, so they tried to get us to shut down and they monitored us all day. They threatened that if we exceeded the maximum we would be jailed! The restrictions continued until the rest of the group left long after we were gone.
A local businessman ran angrily across the street and looked like he was going to punch Flip, yelling at him and telling him he didn’t want to hear Jesus music again all day, Flip stood for a moment and smiled, as only Flip could do, and said Jesus loves you! You know that made him mad. A cop came pulled him away, calmed him down and brought him back and Flip and the man spoke for several minutes and went back to his business.This local businessman I think was the same one that activated his PA earlier that day and said as we arrived the following morning, “Are you ready to party!?”

The week progressed with unrelenting gradual intensity from both sides, although we did the same things with smiles on our faces, reaching out and conversing with others, still having people come up to us, some people were adamant about having this stopped and they would do anything even trying to hit us with their vehicles as one man was arrested for this attempt!

I was a bit discouraged when I saw the Sheriff and the local officials had decided to pull the sound permit and reduce our liberty of free speech to a decibel meter! I began questioning their understanding of the constitution but since they had never seen anything like this before, I’m pretty sure they did the best they could at the drop of a hat, caught between a rock and hard place. Basically we had to remain under 80db, which interestingly enough is less than a car horn or someone screaming from a car window, so they tried to get us to shut down and they monitored us all day. They threatened that if we exceeded the maximum we would be jailed! The restrictions continued until the rest of the group left long after we were gone.

At this point we knew our trip was coming to an end, we worshipped the Lord there, on the streets, loud and free. We asked the Lord to come into the hearts and minds of these people and to heal their town, the abortion and the suicide rate in young people as we found out was at the rate of ONE A MONTH! We prayed and again went into worship.

As other pastors in the group took over the microphone, they all began to preach their own message and all went into song, Bruce, I think was his name, sang a rather sad song about why they kill their babies in Jackson Hole but would stand and fight the abuse of a buffalo.
So, Coach was doing radio interviews on his laptop in my truck with both fellow Christians but also with those who opposed us, Flip, Ante, Butch, Chet, Marilyn, Shelly and others were preaching , standing worshipping and communicating with others. By this time this town was upside down! The people were filling the sidewalks, people running across the four lane street (allowed there by law as law enforcement looked on) and not one fight. People were angry, sure but there were also by this time people who actually enjoyed the fact that we were there although, admittedly, they were the clear minority.
Everyone broke for lunch and Coach and I had departed Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where to my surprise before getting in my truck I broke down and wept. This feeling had caught me by surprise because it was so intense, the thought of leaving a town that, after only a few days, I had come to love in such a strange way. As we left, we knew things would never be the same, because we were the messengers, we came with a message that was given to us by the Lord to take that message and deliver it to Jackson Hole, and to know that in doing so, that it would not return void and it hasn’t.
After getting Coach back on his plane home, the email news alerts began. The group had decided the next day to go into the public square where they had an antler event and pass out literature, they were immediately barricaded from entering and began, at that point, to preach where to everyone’s surprise Chet and Mark were arrested. The Cops finally got their criminals, those Jesus preaching, freedom of speech loving, military retired, freedom fighting, family sacrificing, law enforcement retired, Christian patriots! They should be proud, they got there men!
Of course, Chet and Mark will have to come back to Jackson to stand before the magistrate but what happens when two or more agree gathered, they knew it was all in God’s hands.
If any of you have read down this far and you are encouraged by what you have read, Please do what you can to become active in your community, whether it is political, religious, or otherwise because the repercussions of doing nothing will result in the complete loss of your freedom and eternally set apart from God suffering not freedom and joy but wrath and judgment.
If you have no one to contact, contact me. This event was the most life changing event I have ever attended and they are available to attend all year long all across the country!
You will never find better men and women anywhere! People who are strong in their faith and conviction, they are grounded, they are loving to ALL people, they are funny and they are family…my family! I am so proud to stand with them, to be part of their family and I would do anything I could for any one of them. Does your church experience love like that?
Warning to followers of Christ:
Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. 17 Beware of men; for they will deliver you up to councils, and flog you in their synagogues, 18 and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony before them and the Gentiles. 19 When they deliver you up, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour; 20 for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Matthew 10:16-20...

To my good friends and fellow warriors for Christ, May God bless all of you as we do His work! Thank you my friends, you are truly the best!
Blessings, glory and honor to all,
To my good friends and fellow warriors for Christ, May God bless all of you as we do His work! Thank you my friends, you are truly the best!
Blessings, glory and honor to all,
Due to the overwhelming response, all pictures, video, commetaries and testimonies will be available here where we have dedicated a page to Dr. Blue's outreach. Please feel free to visit and comment:!/profile.php?id=100002430715859
50 Prolife activists swarm the little town of Jackson Hole Day 3

This morning began slowly and fairly laid back but we knew it would be worse since we made the front page of the news and small towns are have said to know everyone’s business.

While this was happening however, there were still many great opportunities to reach out to kids, many still took literature and wanted to converse with us and we did, some even on video.

After the morning school outreach we went for a great local breakfast, read the papers and and no mention of us. We headed back to the streets of Jackson. We were stretched for miles, we even had local supporters stand with us, thanking us, like they were too scared to do it on their own. We had many people quietly and covertly give us their approval, the locals there really know how liberal their town is and don’t seem to want to upset them. One young lady I spoke with asked me” Do you know how violent we are, I hope you know that this will not be good for you.” I wasn’t surprised for is after all the liberals who preach peace and tolerance, why aren’t they, exactly?
The streets were filled by this time, again we had more opposition before we were even there, we had more horns, more cars, more fingers and more yelling. It appeared that we must have disrupted the town so bad, the parents had the kids stay home, which meant that they came to us instead and stood with us, only in opposition to us, it was great!
Interestingly enough, I met a neat woman whom had no spiritual affiliation, she was with also with a friend that also seemed to have direct affiliation but the other was an atheist.
ON camera, I asked the Atheist, what do you think the root cause of the debt is ( I chose debt because it is what people are most concerned with…money!) we face today and she said “who cares” I said, “so you think that your children should be left in a cesspool we created and have them clean up our mess? You think that the debt isn’t your problem, that you brought them up in a world to fend for themselves ?” I said, “so, you think we should just look out for ourselves and let everyone else figure it out, even YOUR CHILDREN”…she said “Yes!”
This rest of this day’s schedule followed as previous days, a break for lunch and back at it till 5PM, at this point everyone was talking, everyone was engaged, there were cops everywhere, there were cars stopping on the street engaging with those holding signs, both in support and opposition, there was laughter, there were tears and some anger as well but as video and pictures will attest, was a great day. What is the most important thing today was the fact that although the opposition was stronger, more came out to stand with us, they were no longer afraid, they loved it and stayed with us, attended church services with us until our mission was completed! Halleluiah!! Another great evening. We’ll see how tomorrow goes.

Kudos here again for their law enforcement. Others may not have agreed but my experience was such that I told them I’d be back again to buy them breakfast, they said, nah, when you come back it’ll be our turn, you did the other day, I still commend them so very highly, I told them I WOULD be back , I told they wouldn’t remember me, they smiled and said, “I doubt that!” One policman was so kind, he said he was looking for me to tell me he was praying for me...WHAT? Tears flooded my eyes! Truly an amazing town! I told these officers I would tell everyone about who they are how they were to us! A bitter sweet, love hate relationship here but I was having the time of my life just communicating with others and them allowing me to record our conversationson video, like Leno's "man on the street!"
50 Prolife activists swarm the little town of Jackson Hole Day 2
Day 2
Wednesday morning we were up at 6AM and headed to the local high school to pass out prolife literature and to be available should the kids want to talk (When have they ever not wanted to!) It was cold but a smooth, relaxing morning, few knew who we were or why we there. Once school started we took off to the sidewalks at the center of town, where Dr. Blue’s office had the local Emerg-a-Care office in the strip mall, on a four lane road, where we didn’t realize till later, this was the only way to get from one side of town to the other, definitely in our favor for maximum exposure.

We set up a sound system, brought guitars, signs, bull horns, mega phones and of course the hated “graphic pictures.” And were there till about 1PM when we took a few hours for lunch. So far, at this point, you could feel a buzz, people started to realize something was happening, People were beginning to shout profanity and, of course the universal military sign for danger, flip the “F” fingers! Slowly people began coming out of their offices, calling law enforcement to see what they could do to get rid of us and “those pictures!”

After lunch, we were shocked by what we had seen, there were protesters with signs in opposition to our outreach! They were mainly high school kids but there were probably 15 of them. They made signs “Pro Choice” or “it’s good to have a choice”. Our group was elated at the opposition and welcomed them and we engaged in fantastic dialogue more times than not, we asked them if they knew why we were here and we had a chance to tell them which disarmed many of them, right away, some took a bit longer and some, not at all.

At this point after we broke down the equipment and began to head back to the room, I was overwhelmed, I was broken, I was tired and I was experiencing such heartache when I saw all of the vile repudiations of the truth exposed by our existence here, “They hated us!”

I am still relatively new to the activism battle so it hit me hard but the guys that have been in this field all agreed, out of all the places in the country, ALL of them, Jackson Hole was the worst in the way they treated those in opposition, especially “out of stators.”, Never so many “F” fingers or verbal comments not necessarily by the kids as much as the parents driving in their cars with their children! I called my wife and told her I was beaten and wasn’t sure if I could do this anymore but realized differently after that evenings service, I was recharged and ready to go tomorrow for sure!

Several things were really interesting here. One thing is that I was shocked by the local law enforcement. My personal experience was the best I had ever had, the way they handled themselves, the way they introduced themselves and the friendships that I seemed to make with them, unlike any other state I have ever been, I bought them breakfast! The second thing was that people commonly complained that we were invading their state, imposing our ideas on them, I thought for a moment and asked why it didn’t bother them that the federal govermment was doing it much worse than we were…they were dumbfounded, I should have said we are here because of the commerce clause, eating here, and helping to boost their economy, they probably would have fell over backwards!

Due to the overwhelming response, all pictures, video, commetaries and testimonies will be available here where we have dedicated a page to Dr. Blue's outreach. Please feel free to visit and comment:!/profile.php?id=100002430715859
Wyoming abortion outreach for Dr. Brent Blue in Jackson, Wyoming, May 16-20, 2011
50 Prolife activists swarm the little town of Jackson Hole
Tuesday... Day 1
Many of you can attest to the sheer beauty and majesty of Wyoming. I live in Idaho and even I there in Wyoming found it breathtaking, the sharp still snow-covered mountain peaks, the clean air, the cleanliness of the town, it just seemed so fresh, so innocent and unadulterated. Although much of this was indeed true some of what was not seen was revealed while many of us took our message to Jackson Hole on a mission.
My friends from all over the country drove or flew from Kansas, North Carolina, New York, Ohio, Colorado, Arizona and others as well as myself from Idaho converged on this little town led by Rev. Flip Benham’s Operation Save America and Pastor Mark Holick’s Spirit One Ministries out of Wichita, Kansas. As some have suggested it was a rude surprise attack it was actually a well-planned, completely announced trip.
The leaders of the group had, in weeks before, visited Jackson to put the plans in place informing local law enforcement, the media, etc. The local laws and ordinances and statutes were researched, with the help of the law enforcement to ensure no laws were broken; after all we were there to lift up the gospel of Christ to the streets not to beat people over the head or turn its town on its face.
With my experience in activism, Chaos is never our intention but it isn’t about what we want Is it? When activists go “to be active” there is usually opposition, it is understood and one is always considered the aggressor whether they are or not. Activists commonly view activism as soldiers in a battle, “in the trenches.” And when battles are fought, there are sacrifices, causalities and victories, to what degree is the only question. What is imperative is to make sure the benefits outweigh the risks or cost associated with that battle and once determined the mission moves forward.
After the final touches were done on the organization of this monstrosity, phone calls, emails, schedules and “50 person conference calls”( If you can imagine that!) people were ready to travel.
My friend , Coach Daubenmire and I communicated a few weeks prior to schedule when we would meet and how he would get there from Ohio, his original plan was to fly to Jackson but since I was planning on driving and appeared to be going alone, I mentioned to him that it was too bad he couldn’t fly to Boise and we could drive together- the next thing I know, I receive an email with his itinerary to BOISE and as a man of very few words, wrote” I’ll leave the driving to you!
As it turns out, flying from Columbus to Boise saved him about $400.oo on his plane flight, so we were ready. Coach came in late on Tuesday night and we left on Wednesday morning, after road closures to rock slides we arrived in Jackson eight hours later.
After a few hours to relax, we were blessed with the hospitality by Pastor Jon and his wife and their small Baptist church at the entrance to town that allowed us to use their facilities while we were there and where we met that evening for a small service and planning meeting. It was a great service with fellowship and camaraderie.
Due to the overwhelming response, all pictures, video, commetaries and testimonies will be available here where we have dedicated a page to Dr. Blue's outreach. Please feel free to visit and comment:!/profile.php?id=100002430715859
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